你覺得人生最美好的3件事( 10分)

2007-01-16 12:44 am

回答 (6)

2007-01-16 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-01-16 3:43 am
參考: ME
2007-01-16 1:21 am
1) 中六合彩有幾千萬
2007-01-16 12:51 am

*45 Best Things in Life*(人生最美好的45件事)

1、 Falling in love(戀愛)
2、 Laughing so hard your face hurts(笑得臉生痛)
3、 A hot shower(洗個熱水澡)
4、 No lines at the supermarket(超市結帳不用排隊)
5、 A special glance(一個特殊的眼神)
6、 Hearing your favorite song on the radio(聽到收音機播放最喜歡的歌)
7、 Getting mail(得到郵件)
8、 Lying in bed listening to the rain outside(躺在床上聽屋外的雨聲)
9、 Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price(發現心儀的毛衣半價出售)
10、A long distance phone call(一個長途電話)
12、A good conversation(一次投緣的談話)
13、The beach(沙灘)
14、Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter(在去年穿過的冬裝外套裡找到20元鈔票)
15、Laughing at yourself(自嘲)
16、Midnight phone calls that last for hours(午夜煲電話粥數小時)
17、Laughing for absolutely no reason at all(毫無理由的大笑)
18、Having someone tell you that you’re beautiful(有人告訴你你很漂亮)
19、Laughing at an inside joke(為心裡的笑話發笑)
21、Falling in love for the first time(第一次墜入情網)
22、Accdentally overhearing someone say something nice about you(純屬偶然聽到別人誇自己)
23、Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep(一覺醒來發現還可以睡上幾小時)
24、Your first kiss(初吻)
25、Making new friends or spending time with old ones(結交新朋友或與老朋友在一起)
26、Late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping(深夜不眠與室友聊天)
27、Having someone play with your hair(有人撥弄你的頭髮)
28、Sweet dreams(甜美的好夢)
29、Road trips with friends(和朋友結伴路上旅行)
30、Swinging on swings(盪鞦韆)
31、Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love(與喜歡的人相擁在沙發上看一部精彩電影)
32、Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid新買的歌碟裡印有歌詞,唱歌不覺的傻)
33、Going to a really good concert(去聽一場真正不賴的音樂會)
34、Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person(每次看到那個人心裡七上八下的感覺)
35、Making eye contact with a cute stranger(與一個可愛的陌生人目光接觸)
36、Winning a really competitive game (贏得一場真正有競爭力的比賽)
37、Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends(看到朋友臉上的笑容,聽到朋友開懷的笑聲)
38、Holding hands with someone you care about(與很在乎的那個人牽手)
39、Running into an old friend and realizing that some things(good or bad)never change(碰到一個老朋友發現有些東西無論好壞從未改變)
40、Discovering that love is unconditional and strong than time(發現愛是沒有條件的)
41、Hugging the person you love(擁抱你所愛的人)
42、Watching the expression on someone’s face as they open a much-desired present from you(觀察某個人充滿期待的打開你的禮物時的表情)
43、Watching the sunrise(看日出)
44、Getting out of bed every morining and thanking God for another beautiful day(每天早上起床感謝老天賜予你美好的一天)
45、Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems(擁有推心置腹的朋友可以哭訴自己最隱秘的問題)
2007-01-16 12:50 am
2007-01-16 12:48 am
1. 性愛
2. 進食
3. 睡眠

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