
2007-01-16 12:32 am
轉機需不需要付機場稅? 因為我要去歐洲~

回答 (3)

2007-01-16 12:36 am
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nope! 不用的. 除非你於轉機期間出禁區 la. 咁再入去就要比 tax. 我試過 ka. 我搭星航由香港往倫敦. 會係新加坡停4個鐘. 咁我個朋友黎新加坡機場同我食飯喎. 咁我咪要求出閘 lor. 咁航空公司話再入番移民局, 要比 SG$12 tax. 咁我咪照比 lor. no probelm 的.
2007-01-17 6:32 am
Depend on which airport you are travelling, in some airports, like the one in Amsterdam, you need to pay for a transit tax, which the rate is lower.

2007-01-24 20:39:26 補充:
But the transit tax is also collected when you purchase the ticket (i.e. you do not need to pay when you are travelling)
2007-01-16 12:38 am
大部份機場稅已在買機票時已經付出。(機票$550 應該包香港離境機場)


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