panasonic dmc-fx9影片問題...

2007-01-15 11:55 pm
我用panasonic dmc-fx9影影片....影左大約1-2鐘度佢就會話由於受到卡的速度限制,錄影被中斷(大約係咁講)...咁姐係咪張sd卡ga問題呢??

回答 (2)

2007-01-16 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
不是你的SD 卡有問題, 而是你相機內的援衝記憶體(buffer) full 左

因為在攝錄影像的時, 所有檔案都會先存放在援衝記憶體, 再傳送到記憶卡

在拍攝的過程中, 當援衝記憶體或記憶卡儲滿, 相機便會停止拍攝
2007-01-16 12:22 am
There was several setting of the image size for video in the camera.
If my memory is correct, there should be 4 setting SVGA (Hi/Lo) & VGA (Hi/Lo).
For different setting, there would be some different and limit.
You may first check with the setting.
On the other hand, a higher speed SD card may be used to further verify the problem.
Wish it can help u!

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