U.S.A. 係一句句子最後面,洗唔洗加FULL STOP, WHY?

2007-01-15 10:36 pm
U.S.A. 係一句句子最後面,洗唔洗加FULL STOP, WHY?
What about "," or other punctuation marks?

回答 (6)

2007-01-16 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
我諗發問者唔係問USA駛唔駛加 full stops (periods)喺每一個大寫字母之後,而係問究竟 I love U.S.A. 定係 I love U.S.A.. 先至正確。
下文摘自 Wikipedia:
The period is used after abbreviations, such as Mrs. & Ms. If the abbreviation is ending a declaratory sentence an additional full stop is not needed (e.g. My name is Phil Simpson Jr.), but in the case of an interrogative or exclamatory sentence a question or exclamation mark is needed.
根據上面的理論,U.S.A. 係一句句子最後面,就唔洗用兩個 full stop作結尾。
但我就同樣的問題 (是 etc.,不是U.S.A.),問過英國人(载卓爾夫人之幕僚長 Mr. Powell)、美國人、澳洲人、中國籍英語教師。只可說眾說紛紜,但以須要多加 full stop 之答案居多。
要加的理據不外乎是前面的 full stop 屬 abbrevation 的部份,而後面的 full stop 才是句子的完結。
我的習慣是 如abbreviation 是句子最後一個字,之後再添一個 full stop。But I do not have a strong opinion on those with only one full stop.
What about "," or other punctuation marks?
If an abbreviation should be followed by a comma, then no omission is allowed. Likewise, if an abbreviation is followed by an punctuation mark other then a full stop, then no omission is allowed.

2007-01-15 16:32:46 補充:
至於abbreviations是否有 full stops after every capital letter,則 depends,看習慣及 British England 與 American English 的分別。由於這問題不是針對這事,在此不贅,不然就離題。

2007-01-15 16:40:35 補充:
From http://www.grammar-monster.com/lessons/labbrev.htm:If a sentence ends with the full stop from an abbreviation, then that full stop will suffice. There is no need to put two.

2007-01-15 16:44:48 補充:
After reveiwing more websites, I have found out that most grammaists prefer not to use two but one full stop when a sentence ends with an abbreviation.
2007-01-19 1:59 am

要加 I come from USA .

唔需要加 I come from U.S.A .

2007-01-15 11:41 pm
We usually write abbreviations with upper case in British English.

In fact, we can omit to write full stops at the end.

我們通常在英式英語中以大楷字母來寫簡稱 (abbreviations),

而句號 (full stops) 其實可以省略。

For example 例如:

The USA can be also written as The U.S.A.

The USA 也可以寫成 The U.S.A. (美國)

2007-01-15 15:44:25 補充:
In Addition, we should add an article 'the' before the abbreviation of the United States of America. We should write its abbreviation as 'the USA'.
2007-01-15 11:23 pm
We usually write abbreviations without full stops in British English.
Mr, Ltd, Kg, the USA, the BBC
We usually write abbreviations with full stops in British English.
e.g., etc. Dec.
2007-01-15 10:59 pm
2007-01-15 10:40 pm
基 本 上 USA 中 間 係 唔 洗 加 點 既

如 果 加 既 , 你 可 以 諗 :
15th Jan. , 2007

同 :
I love U.S.A. .

再 唔 明 send e-mail 去 [email protected] 問 我 !
參考: Me

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