10分.. ....英文Romeo and Juliet presentation

2007-01-15 10:24 pm
我要做一個present..係關於ROMEO AND JULIET

TOPIC 係 which character do you like....
and give reasons....


回答 (2)

2007-01-16 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In Romeo and Juliet, I found the character Romeo the most interesting. His role is very complicated. Sometimes, I sympathizes him since he could not control his destiny. Romeo has experienced a love of such purity and passion that he kills himself when he believes that his only love, Juliet, has died. He once said, "O dear account! my life is my foe's debt" (1.5.118). He means that because he is in love, he now owes his very life to Juliet, but the shocking truth was, Juliet is a Capulet, their family foe.

Romeo's life was full of emotions. He was controlled by his emotions. We could see him acting because of his feelings and emotions. Sometimes it caused good deeds but sometimes it brought bad comings. First, it was his love. Romeo's love towards Juliet led him to sneak into the garden of his enemy’s daughter, risking death, simply to catch a glimpse of her.

Then his anger. Romeo's anger led him to kill his wife’s cousin (Tybalt) in a duel since Tybalt killed one of Romeo's closest friend, Mercutio. Next, his despair and grieve led him to commit suicide upon hearing of Juliet’s death. Such extreme behavior dominates Romeo’s character throughout the play and contributes to the ultimate tragedy that befalls the lovers.

If Romeo was able to restrain himself from killing Tybalt, or maybe waited for one more day before killing himself after hearing the news of Juliet’s death, matters might have ended happily. Of course, though, had Romeo not had such depths of feeling, the love he shared with Juliet would never have existed in the first place.

Other than his deep feelings towards love, he also had great friendships which he treasured. Among his friends, especially with Mercutio, Romeo shows glimpses of his social persona. He is intelligent, quick-witted, fond of verbal jousting (particularly about sex), loyal, and unafraid of danger.

All of these aspects put together a very dominant figure in the story. Without him or without any one of his characteristic, the story will never be the same. That's the reason I like this character.
2007-01-15 10:37 pm
This is that I think , hope it will helps you !

Oral Version :
Good morning , Mr/Ms **** , today I will talk about which character do you like in a film that is Romeo And Juliet . I think I like Romeo more because he is very handsome . But he always go with girls and get a talk with her . Many of the boys are these . Lucky , I am not . If I get that , I think I have been did that many times in class ! Juliet is good but I think Romeo is much better . One of m reason is he is a boy , or you can say a man . That's same with me . So , I chose him . That's the end of my presentation , thank you .

Hope it's will help you !

If you want to get any helps of this presentation , you may send a e-mail to [email protected] to me !

I will answer you in Chinese .
參考: Me

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