Tell me please

2007-01-15 6:40 pm
Everyday i must take the bus and back to school , i always see a girl in my bus ( why because in usa the bus schedule is not frequent,every 30 mins just only have 1 bus)

Actually she is quite pretty , however my parents said that dont marry to the foreign girls because have different cultures! so when she onboard the bus,i try to look at her but i am just afraid she will know! So rite now , how should i ignore her? dont look at her?

回答 (4)

2007-01-15 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
So she's a foreigner, not ABC~?
did she also wear uniform~?
well, it doesn't matter ~

Actually making fds with foreigner is pretty fun~
u can learn different cultures, know more about different countries as well~
and if she is quite pretty, dont look at her is hard to u, i think~

And what do u mean- afraid she will know? know u look at her!?~
may be it's yr concern, but certainly not hers~
as pretty girl knows we guys like looking at them~
and most of them appreciate that indeed, as it prove their attractiveness~

So, if u worry yr parents will get angry with u~
remember, don't marry to foreign girls~
just make fd with them, ok~!?
參考: some kinds of common sense~
2007-01-15 11:04 pm
Well, your parents ask you not to marry a foreign girls, however you are now in a foreign country (USA) right? I guess your parents are Chinese/ Asian right? So their concept is a bit strange " because of different culture" hahaha!

So I think just ignore what your parents said, you can make friends with the girl you fancy with, just make friends! No big deal. I didn't ask you to date her, but I think it is normal to make friends in different gender. At this stage, you are still young and don't know what you really want, so I don't think you will marry the one you like at this time. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, maybe one day you will discover the girl you like that is hard to cope with, who knows! So take it easy.

Say hi to her when you see her next time, let's see how she responds to you.

If you really want to be a GOOD son and obey what your parents said, ok, take an earlier bus, then you won't see the girl anymore and time day you will forget about her.

Take care
2007-01-15 8:09 pm
No,you dont need to ignore her,but dont look at her quite often,just like u look at her normally,if you want to make a friend with her,just introduce yourself to her,dont be shy
2007-01-15 7:07 pm
Take another bus, get up early !

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