
2007-01-15 6:20 pm
never hardly rarely seldom sometimes occasionally often frequently normally usually always

(1) I am afraid of not having any friends.
(2) I work hard in getting a job done.
(3) I let people know my needs and feelings honestly.
(4) I have something interesting to say.
(5) When I see a good chance corning, I can make good use of it.

請幫忙 thx

回答 (2)

2007-01-15 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) I am NEVER afraid of not having any friends.
(2) I OFTEN work hard in getting a job done.
(3) I USUALLY let people know my needs and feelings honestly.
(4) I SELDOM have something interesting to say.
(5) When I see a good chance corning, I can ALWAYS make good use of it.
(6) I RARELY let those who care about me down.
(7) I find it difficult SOMETIMES to prepare well for test and exams.
(8) I can pull myself together NORMALLY when I feel down.
2007-01-15 6:43 pm
1. I am seldom afraid of not having any friends.
2. Normally, I work hard in getting a job done.
3. I rarely let people know my needs and feelings honestly.
4. I often have something interesting to say.
5. When I see a good chance coming, I can usually make good use of it.

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