請舉以下phrasal verb 的例句

2007-01-15 5:57 pm
1.carry forward
2.run across
3.reel off
4.count in
5.ramble on

回答 (3)

2007-01-15 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.發揚We shall still carry forward our achievements.我們仍然要發揚成績。
2.偶然遇到I ran across an old friend in the street.
He could reel off the dates of the kings of England.
If you're going for a picnic this weekend, count me in.
He rambled on for hours.

2007-01-15 19:13:28 補充:
Carry Forward-to transfer the total at the foot of the page to the top of the next pagerun across- To run from one side of a thing to another Reel off- To take into account or includeRamble on- To speak or write at length and keep wandering off the topic
參考: yahoo
2007-01-15 9:47 pm
Carry Forward
- (Usually in accounting) to transfer the total at the foot of the page to the top of the next page
Thje book-keeper will carry forward the subtotal to the next page

Run across
- To run from one side of a thing to another
Hold the lead tightly, do not let the dog run across the road.
- To meet someone or something by chance
If I run across our old friend, I will give him your regards.

Reel off
- To say something quickly, without apparent effort
He reeled off the whole poem without hesitating

Count in
- To take into account or include
If you are all going to the movie, you can count me in.

Ramble on
- To speak or write at length and keep wandering off the topic
As the speaker rambled on for at least two hours, the audience became restless.
2007-01-15 6:32 pm
1. We shall carry forward this outstanding balance to the ledger of next month.
2. I ran across Peter in a restaurant yesterday.
3. He can reel off my password after he views my typing.
4. Please count me in your birthday party.
5. She always rambles on her luxourious tours to Europe.

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