
2007-01-15 5:04 pm
Hi, 我下星期出發去曼谷, 請問知唔知boots係香港的大概幾多折到? 款係咪同香港一樣嫁? 請幫忙, 謝謝!

唔知boots的眼霜好唔好呢? 我去買去黑眼圈的產品, 請比意見吖, 唔該!~~

回答 (2)

2007-01-16 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
總之就比香港平好多啦! 有時某啲product仲會做buy 1 get 1 free tim!!!
嗰邊有條line係全部用生果ga, 有shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, hand cream, body lotion, body scurb etc.....
呢條line好正, 又平又好用, 我買咗mango shower gel (around 200b), tomato body scurb (around 150b), stawberry body lotion (around 300b), stawberry hand and nail cream (around 150b), pear hair shampoo and conditioner (59b@), 全部都好好用, 一個字:正!!!
最重要係香港冇得買, 我買咗佢d handcream俾同事做手信, 個個都十分happy!
另外boots 有條line "the SANCTUARY SPA Convent Garden"都好好用, 特別係body scurb同埋Hot sugar body polish, 普遍都會平50%, 若果on sale就更加唔止!!!
總之一句講晒: 個喼有幾多位就買幾多, 仲有唔好諗住去到機場先買, 除咗有好多product都冇之外, 佢有好多promotion都冇做, 差唔多全部都係原價
2007-01-16 2:33 am
Average about 50% cheaper than HK Boots and a lot more choices available, eg: beauty care lines, pregnancy and baby lines. There are also lots of buy 1 get 1 free products on promotion now. Bring a small suitcase ok? There are a few big Boots shop in Silom area. Good luck and happy shopping.

PS: Must buy - Boots Botanical scrub and hair mask.

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