my friend has gone out w/ a guy 7 times...?

2007-01-15 12:16 am
my best friend has gone out with this guy 7 times is that good?
the first time lasted 81 days he broke up w/ her
second time was about 19 days he dumped her
third time 14 day she dumped him
fourth time 21 days he dumped her
fifth time 32 days she dumped him
sixth time17 days she dumped him
seventh time 8 days she dumped him [fri.12 2007]

is that good or bad and she wants him back shes so confusing should she ask him out again

回答 (19)

2007-01-15 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
♥ Wow what a on and off relationship. Personally I think that she should forget about the relationship. It seems like If they do back together then they will end up breaking up again. I think she should find another guy thats right for her
2007-01-15 12:26 am
It's your friends life, I'm glad to see you're taking notes!
2007-01-15 12:24 am
hell no he might be haveing sex with others and he is a fool she should dump him and move on
2007-01-15 12:24 am
Wow! you've got all that memorized and it's just your friend's problem. That's not all that credible! If you like the guy give him one more chance with this in mind, if this continues he's probably not right for you. take note of small things (not literally), and if you two break up again then forget it.
2007-01-15 12:22 am
dang ur a good friend to actually remember this stuff,i say she should and most likely she will just 4 1 of them to end it then everything will start all over again
2007-01-15 12:21 am
There is no right or wrong answer unless there is a reason whether someone is at fault..

Couples fight all the time... they make up and then they fight again.... its like riding a bike sometimes..
2007-01-15 12:21 am
Hell no.......Ask her if she is desperate. The sex may be good, but hell she can do better, kick the looser to the curve and find a new stick
2007-01-15 12:20 am
Why are you memorising how long her relationships are? She shouldn't even be keeping track of that. Just tell her to go with how she feels, and stop playing eachother like it's a game.
2007-01-15 12:20 am
What a bad relationship, they have already had a bad start 7 TIMES, tell her to move on!!!!
2007-01-15 12:20 am
i think they should get married --- they can then set the record for number of divorces and remarriage ---- they seem like they have lots of issues that they are not working out --- they need to communicate better or just give it up

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