How to deal with annoying neighbors/kids?

2007-01-14 10:08 pm
I have 16 people living next to me in a 3 bedroom house. They have 5 kids. The problem is the kids won't leave. I have tried to be nice and let them play but they are mean to my children Throwing rocks, beer bottles, and many other things. They call my dog through the fence and tortue her. She had to get stiches from an injury they gave her. The kids run wild. Last night they were playing in the street at 11pm. I have tried to talk to all the adults. They pretend no english. Yes they can speak english. I have tried the cops. Nothing. I am asking right now because they are here now. Told them to leave, they won't. I fear the will get hurt because they are in my yard near the street. The parents do not watch their kids.
Any advice? Please, no smart answers. I am out of options. Thank you.

I don't know why the cops didn't help. I have tried to get along.


I keep checking back every few min. The cops said nothing!!! They said to call them if we had a problem. We do and nothing is done. We have told them our concerns over the children and they go talk to them and things will quite after a day or so. One even told me to learn spanish to better communicate with them. (We live in the usa) Y'all have been a great halp so far. Thank you.

回答 (9)

2007-01-14 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Contact an attorney your local police department's public information office. They can tell you what you can and cannot legally do.

2. Create a paper trail. Continue calling the police and your childrens' protective services office and start documenting every call. If you have a video camera, start taping.

3. If you have other witnesses to these events, get their statements and contact information.

The authorities really can't do anything unless they have a chance at putting together enough evidence that can bear scrutiny in a courtroom: the courts will expect to see a very clear indication that there is a law being broken, otherwise you're just neighbors who cannot get along.

DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT WILL GET *YOU* IN TROUBLE! Yes, I know that's the Internet equivalent of shouting, and that needs to be heard loud and clear.

Good luck.
2007-01-14 10:13 pm
Call Child Protective Services. These children are not being supervised properly. Also I would let the owner of the house know that he is breaking the code for home occupancy. Call the housing authority in your county and tell them that there is a nuisance next door. You may be able to sue them in small claims court for injuring your dog.

I would move!
參考: teacher
2007-01-14 10:29 pm
In a firm voice, tell them to leave or you will call the police, take your children, and your dog inside, lock the door and call the police, Tell them that you have made complaints before and you -want- something done now, they are tresspassing.
Then call the RSPCA (or your countries equivelent to Animal welfare.. Report the incident and ask what you can do)
Then call Child services, Tell them clearly what has been happening and the living conditions of these children, ,request they send over a social worker to inspect the premisis..
The main point is, keep complaining, Record all complaints.. Keep calling the police, record those complaints too.. If the police still do nothing, after about the 5th attempt, Complain about that too..
I know complaining nonstop seems bitchy.. But it's what you have to do to get things done.

Also, Consider aking out a restraining order. that way, if they break it, the police have no argument not to do anything about it.
2007-01-14 10:14 pm
Call the child welfare services (or the equivalent in your area)

Make sure that you express your concern for the children, and NOT your concern for yourself, or your annoyance with the children.

16 people in a 3 bedroom house is not a good situation for children to be in. Children playing unsupervised in the street at 11PM is not a good situation to be in. You will most likely have to identify yourself, but you can ask not to be identified to the family as the one who tipped them off to the child welfare agency.

Good Luck
2007-01-14 10:14 pm
wow, they sound really annoying.

have you ever tried talking to your other neighbors?
Maybe they think the same way you do about them.
then, you can get together and see what you can do together about those annoying people.

otherwise, i would yell at their kids and the parents also.
ANNDD : LMFAO, yes i would lock your door.
2007-01-14 10:10 pm
Lock your door.
2007-01-14 10:18 pm
What did the cops tell you??
2007-01-14 10:12 pm
Cops didn't work? Why?
2007-01-14 10:12 pm
just get along

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