GUYS: question about one night stands???

2007-01-14 8:53 pm
how do you guys pick up a girl? i have my own way but i want to hear how you do it. and what do you say, how do you approach her, and what person do you go after? and how long does it take you to close the deal?

i perspnaly. go for the drunkest girls thats dreeses very promiscious and has no respect for herself.

回答 (14)

2007-01-14 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can't tell a girl has no respect for herself based on her dress. Why are you even being so risky? Hire an escort or something if you are that desperate. At least that way you won't have an unexpected pregnancy or STD!
2007-01-14 8:58 pm
Yeah that's real cool to take advantage of someone and further lower their self esteem. Girls aren't there for you to trash. Grow up!
2007-01-14 9:17 pm
I go for the same kind of girl, but I don't waste money drinking in the bar, I just pick one up downtown in the tenderloin.
2007-01-14 9:05 pm
I would never, it's disrespectful to everyone. Also I've always looked and watned a meaningful long lasting relationship.
2007-01-14 9:00 pm
I've never tried one-night-stand but would like to try

my bud tips

its simple, just dont try too hard, and dont show that you actually wanna bang her until the time is right....
2007-01-14 8:58 pm
i hope u get an STD so i can laugh in ur face u pric
2007-01-14 8:58 pm
just go to a bar, talk to some chik and tell her she seems cool. after a couple of drink just tell her your real busy and not really looking for a relationship. then tell her if she would want to hang out tonight. they would get the hint by then and if it doesnt work move on. soner or later they will bite, lol.
2007-01-14 8:58 pm
You seem to forget that girls are human beings, not pieces of meat. First of all, if this is your goal, you're a pig. Secondly, if you don't have what it takes to meet a girl, using your own personality and being straight, you're a loser and you won't have any luck, anyway. I hope you get played before you get a chance to hurt someone.
2007-01-14 8:57 pm
buy her couple drinks
then put ur hands on her waist
talk smooth
Get rid of her friends
Seal the Deal
2007-01-14 8:57 pm
Based on your last sentence, it looks like you're already drunk yourself.
2007-01-14 8:57 pm
Use a roofie! But put it in your own drink douchebag!!
2007-01-14 8:56 pm
id go with ur way, or pretend to have lots of money uying drinks after drinks then shell get drunk
2007-01-14 8:56 pm
2007-01-14 8:55 pm
I've never tried one-night-stand but would like to try. Any good tips?

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