Why are kids so annoying these days?

2007-01-14 8:23 pm

回答 (13)

2007-01-14 8:41 pm
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Children are annoying for a number of reasons.

1. Because their parents don't repeat and reinforce rules concerning behaviour, especially public behaviour. Consistancy is, with some families, a thing of the past.

2. Because some parents insist on ruining their children by praising them, refusing to see their faults and giving them all they desire without challenging them intellectually. This isn't recent. Anne Bronte wrote a wonderful book called 'Agnes Grey' about some horrid Victorian children who were treated in this manner.

3. Children have high-pitched voices and a tendancy to whine. This is not necessarily their parent's fault and so looks of annoyance should be tempered with a sympathedic grimace every so often.

4. Kids spend a lot of time getting instant gratification out of technological advances and are usually annoyed (thus annoying) with older technologies and methods of living, like walking, cooking, sitting, waiting, etc... Also, children are by nature impatient. They've been alive for a much shorter time so half an hour is almost unendurable. On the (sorta) plus side, these impatient buggers will grow up and insist on faster technology that the rest of us will enjoy.

5. Pampered lifestyles make many of us annoying. I'm sure some folks in developing countries think we're all obnoxious.

6. Children don't work. Now, no one with half a heart would want to make children do real labour, but an hour a day working for their communities would probably go a long way to creating more considerate children and adults.

7. Our society believes in protecting the child and even refering to children as 'our future' and our most important resource. Individual children become confused think we are talking about them specifically and get a real sense of entitlement.

8. There are too damn many of them.

Interesting question, thanks for asking.

2007-01-16 8:33 am
Parents do not raise the kids nor discipline them in appropriate manners. A lot more parents in today's time seem to let their kids run wild. Ugh!
2007-01-16 7:42 am
Because times have changed and they are all growing up so quickly plus the state or government states that you are not supposed to disicpline your kids so yes they get annoying and out of control.
參考: Mother of two but I take good care of mine and they are well behaved and disciplined but sometimes can still be annoying.
2007-01-16 3:50 am
I know they are so spoiled!
2007-01-16 1:54 am
Because of the parents and the kids are sometimes spoiled brats.
2007-01-15 9:24 am
b/c of how the parents ~

some of them are true winners!~!~!
2007-01-15 6:37 am
There's no discipline, no rules in the household, and they get thrown anything they ask for like they expect and deserve it. They're coddled and spoiled. They're totally irresponsible, and most of them can barely pass a freshman class as a senior. The only thing that's important to them is their cell phone to find out where the next party is and if their jeans are riding low enough. They don't have priorities anymore.

Yes, this is a sweeping generalization, but I noticed the change in teens just 5 years out of high school when I started saying "My parents would have never let me get away with that!"
2007-01-15 6:11 am
Are you sure as you age you just don't notice it more? I don't know that they are any more annoying than we were when we were kids.
2007-01-15 6:02 am
Because they have cruddy parents.
2007-01-15 6:00 am
Parents today have a new way of raising children. They don't believe in yelling or spanking of any kind. They give in too easily to what their kids want, because they feel guilty that they have to work, in order to maintain their high style of living.

There are kids who have A.D.D., who need to be on prescription drugs, & sometimes, because of the ill effect of these drugs, parents don't allow their kids to take these drugs.

Parents know from the first time they take their kids into places to eat, whether they will behave or not. Parents who know that their kids will not behave, should have the decency to not take their kids with them, & annoy everyone else, who is out to have a good time.
2007-01-15 5:29 am
no home training.
2007-01-15 5:16 am
they have no real discipline and basically do as they please
2007-01-15 4:26 am
because they're very spoil.....

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