i'm writing an article about fat people with positive attitude, any website about some fun facts about them?

2007-01-14 10:47 am
i want some informative ones for eg. there's an International No Diet Day every year which i supposed no many of us know of. or some info on their fashion style etc.

回答 (4)

2007-01-14 11:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
You make fat people sound like they come from another planet...how discriminatory. I carry a few extra pounds, and I dont like to be boxed into some kind of stereotypical woman you seem to think larger people are. Its not like we are diseased or anything, and there are a lot of large women that enjoy being this way. There is no fashion or style that every large woman enjoys, that is as different as smaller peoples fashion sense...although I must admit, great fashion is hard to come by for larger people, but things are changing and a large woman now can look trendy and beautiful. I have met some really horrible fat people, but I have also met some very beautiful ones, mind, body and soul. I can also say the same for slimmer women...some can be bitches and some are lovely. A person is not determined to be any particular way because of her size and you writing an article about fat people with positive attitudes isnt going to contain a lot of factual information because fat people are just as different as slim people. We are all individuals with individual likes and dislikes, just like slim people. There are just as many screwed up slim people as there are fat people.

If we lived 100 years ago being large was a real bonus and it was the skinny people who were thought of as not so attractive...so it is not a question about fat or skinny, but the perceptions people hold. Maybe to get a real idea of what I am saying you need to put on some weight and live the life of a "fat" person and see if your personality changes because of the weight. You would still hold your same values, etc...you would be a bit larger, thats all. A persons self esteem will only be affected if other people poke fun at you. If people compliment you and treat you well, then your self esteem will be fine....but guess what....we live in such a judgemental society that we all run the risk of being criticised for any differences, not just our size. Being ugly, but slim will get negative attentions. Being deformed will sometimes bring out the nasty peoples comments. Being anorexic will be noticed and commented upon. No-one is safe from criticisisms because no-one is perfect. I suggest, can the article and write something about how to retain a positive attitude when our Society generally is so quick to try and bring you down for any reason.
2007-01-14 11:41 am
What a mean way to pose your question. I hope you don't write your article that way. People with weight issues will take offense to an article written about "fat people". I'm not going to help you, you don't get an answer from me because I think you don't want to write an article to help and uplift. I think you want to ridicule and oppress.
2016-10-31 1:43 pm
regrettably maximum persons don't have PMA. i'm accountable to have this "disease!" I attempt my toughest to really "see" the ask your self in a persons' soul. unhappy truth is that many anybody is F-gruesome interior!
2007-01-14 10:57 am

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