need 後面幾時不加 to

2007-01-15 7:38 am
I need to go to school.
I don't think we need ask him.
是否在(否定句)後不可加 to..

回答 (3)

2007-01-15 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think we need (to) ask him.
The word (to) is definitely necessary here.

當 need 係指需要做一件事時, 要 to
當 need 係指個人需要一件物品時, 唔駛to

當 need 後面係 verb, 要 to
example: I need to go to school. I need to call him back.
當 need 後面係 noun, 唔駛 to
example: I need money! I need you. I need water.
2007-01-15 7:51 am
need - (1) 助動詞; (2) 一般動詞
(1) 助動詞 (modal verb) need + verb
表示加重語氣, 是指在那 "情況" 下, 需要去做,
(2) 動詞 need + infinitive verb
表示 "行為" 上須要以下行動
2007-01-15 7:44 am

I need to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries.
I need a screwdriver to fix this chair.

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