
2007-01-15 7:17 am
本人其中一親人已於一年前刪除公屋戶藉並已搬離,我想應該是他搬離後才向財務借貸,但仍留此地址,現有財務追上門滋瀀,我們亦聯絡不到他,請問有什麼辦法解決呢? 請問可否報警呢或出律師信比財務公司有冇效

回答 (3)

2007-01-16 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 最有效係從"根"部剪斷佢!!!即係通知佢d債主佢唔再住係度, 再由d債主通知追數公司唔好搞你 - 照抄以下信內容, 寫好後印幾份, 再附上寄俾佢的銀行, 財務, 信用卡月結單及追數信等的影印本, 寄番去俾佢欠債的銀行, 財務, 信用卡. 記住要寄掛號!
Dear Sir,
Re: Mr. Chan Tai Man
Please note that the aforementioned Mr. Chan Tai Man no longer resides at this address and I have no contact / forwarding information of Mr. Chan.
Kindly amend your records accordingly and stop immediately sending any correspondances intended for Mr. Chan to this address, as well as stop directing any debt collecting acts intended for Mr. Chan to my address.
Legal action will be taken against you for any unsolicited mail and actions considered to be harassment.
Your immediate acknowledgement is hereby demanded.
Wong Tai Man
2. 如有很多收數佬上門, 可在門口張貼一告示, 表明他不再在此居住, 你亦無他任何資料.
3. 如收數佬兇你,可老實告訴他無他任何資料. 再煩就報警.通常收數佬黎得幾次揾唔到就會收皮.
2007-01-15 7:25 am
咁請問係咪合法嘅財務公司? 如果係可以同番財務公司講, 如果佢地繼續追, 就向金管局投訴或者向區議員求助, 再吾得就試下報警..
如果吾合法, 就一定係報警...
2007-01-15 7:23 am
First, you go the housing department to write you a letter to prove that that person is longer living on the flat, then you post this letter to the company.
If the problem is still, then you report to the police.

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