
2007-01-15 4:09 am
付有鑑別證明書... 一對大約值幾多錢?

回答 (2)

2007-01-23 9:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
都唔會好貴, 但係好多都唔會有鑑別證明書, 有都可能是假的, 你可以去呢個綱度睇, 啲野都幾靚, 價錢都ok, 係朋友介紹我去買的.
參考: OWN
2007-01-22 1:18 am
It really depends on the condtion. The certificate can be only used as a proof of the material and quality, but not the product condition. Moroever, the design is also counted here. Therefore, the price may be as less as around $1000 or even more (which is determined by the above factors).

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