Help ar!!!!

2007-01-15 4:07 am
I have three friends.
But they suddenly don't play with me,I don't know why
I felt very upset.
When we need to do project and need to make a group
They don't group with me
When I see them are chating about projet,my heart is very hurt
How can I be friend with them?

回答 (1)

2007-01-15 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can ask them the reason for.
If somebody can tell you what's the reason, then you should think if you can change yourself to cope with them. If so, go ahead, if not, forget them.
If they even don't wanna say a word to you. I think you should quit them.
But never feel angry with them - it doesn't help and even makes your EQ low. Then try to find someone else to be your new fd.

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