會計泡沫, 估計數年內爆破?

2007-01-15 3:30 am
會計泡沫, 估計數年內爆破? Really???????
做會計有前途嗎 ??

回答 (2)

2007-01-17 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
「會計一行, 進可攻, 退可守」
人地話個巿好, 會計自然多野做, 個巿唔好, 公司摺都要搵會計...所以一定有野做!!

沒錯, 但:
1. 個巿好 - 做死你先有錢收
2. 個巿唔好 - 做死你都唔知有冇錢收呀~~

個巿好似吸納好多人嗎?人工唔係係咁升升升嗎?←係事實, 但原因除左人才北上之外,
另一個原因係更多人攞晒experience同qualify左之後, 逃離地獄,

之但係, 呢兩年, 話會計好景好景,
而事實係仍有唔少local firm仲請緊$6000/month的大學畢業生做audit!!
人工高d, 又往往冇可能6點正放工喎...
要份比會計more easy搵錢的工作, 香港大把, 你話呢行啱唔啱你丫?

不過, 係呢個地獄, 你真係可以學到好多嘢, 睇到好多嘢,
肯努力, 要穩定發展唔難。

有冇入錯行, 就要視乎你係唔係想「努力地穩定發展」囉~~


2007-01-19 22:37:03 補充:
若只係考下lcci, 讀下無防(唔難考)但一心諗住「食呢行飯」, 諗住讀個degree揀account, 之後入cpa firm做, 咁就真係要諗下自己啱唔啱做呢行:1. 工時長, 唔洗趕死線時返朝10晚9; 趕死線時, 朝10晚12(即午夜)都唔出奇2. 年頭年尾要考下試咁啦~~study leave同exam leave唔夠, 用埋annual leave...然後no pay leave...3. 唔好以為對住d數字就係做audit, 要有獨立的分析頭腦, 更要有靈活的公關手段, 理智與感情並用呀~~

2007-01-19 22:54:47 補充:
起薪點: 低至$6000, 高的不外乎約$11000若只係「投機性」地入呢行, 呢行的唔啱你(付出同收穫成正比→if你條命唔係太差),你會好難過到junior個段時期架...而且, 讀會計, 除左3年u之外, 之後仲要考試, 投資時間約3-5年(視乎個人能力...)你有心「投資」先好喎, 咪3年後唔上唔落仲唔知點~~

2007-01-19 23:04:41 補充:
有關「泡沫」, 其實我唔係咁睇好依家先跟風「入巿」, 假設依家好多人讀會計,約2-3年後就會一~大~批~~junior出左黎, 供求定律, 人工↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓係另一邊的祖國, 依家D公司為減成本, 慢慢地將一d book keep工作比返大陸廠的員工做,而呢2-3年就係佢地的「成長期」, 到時候, 又多一批比你平的junior同你爭...人工更加↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓IT業唔係已經係一個GOOD EXAMPLE嗎?

2007-01-19 23:05:20 補充:
雖則, 我認同國內同胞要係呢個專業追上「國際」, 都要10年20年, 但係中低層的會計, 香港的優勢保持到5-10年度...唔會太長...除非, 你真係對呢科有興趣, 會做足準備「迎戰」, 否則, 泡沫一破, 死先的就係「投機者」GOOD LUCK~
參考: 個人意見
2007-01-16 2:54 am
會計泡沫, 估計數年內爆破? NO, very difficult to 爆破. From the over ten years, accounting and auditing industries is very "lack of employee". The reason is, most people would give up the accounting path before the get their degree or get the accounting professional qualification. This is not a easy path to go. In addition, these industries not just need "employee", professional skill and knowledge are indeed and very demanding. If you have good communication, international prospect, professional accounting qualification, skill and knowledge, you no need to worry about the 泡沫爆破.

做會計有前途嗎 ?? Very depend your personality. If you don't like facing computers, numbers, working under very high pressure, non-stop continue studying and tight deadline. You might consider about it.

我好怕入錯行.... If you have accounting and professional accounting education background, you no need to worry about 入錯行. One day if you don't want to working in any kind accounting and auditing position, at least, you have one more adventage during interview. You have basic business knowledge and this is a very "down-to-earth" subject. Even thought the path is very tough, very worth for the future.

2007-01-17 12:35:59 補充:
You might consider about it.

2007-01-17 12:36:49 補充:
You might consider about it. <-- sorry wrong typing, is you better do not consider about it!

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