Partition Recovery

2007-01-15 2:36 am
I have used Partition Magic 8.0 to resize my partition but unfortunately i have failed to do so.......and not i am unable to access that partition.
It was suppose to be 29gb but actually i can c nothing ....
it is NTFS format but it is now raw
is there any programme that i can recover that partition ??
thank you

so what programme should i use to reallocate the partition beside from Partition Magic??

回答 (1)

2007-01-15 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
I feel sorry for the failure of using Partition Magic (PM). I personally not recommend to use this software because the failure rate is quite high of PM. And the result of failure is costly.

I don't have a 100%-work solution in this case because failure of using PM is different from delete files carelessly. Data is more difficult to recover in this case. What I suggest you to do is using a software called [Easy Recovery Pro 6]. It is a powerful software that can recover the data from delete wrongly, format or damaged of the fat table. You can find this software easily from some Mainland website by searching in google.

I suggest you to unplug this problem hard drive (Drive A) and install Drive A to another working computer(Com B). By installing [Easy Recovery Pro 6] in Com B, you can copy the recovered data from Drive A to Com B.

I hope my answer is usful.

ps. If you want people answer in chinese, pls specify next time^ ^

2007-01-16 21:14:58 補充:
To me... relocate partition must be done when the hard disk is newly used in the very beginning. So personally I am not recommend to relocate partition if the hard disk contain any important data.

2007-01-16 21:15:11 補充:
My way to relocate partition is [backup data], [fdisk and format hard drive], [restore the backup data]. This way seems less likely lost data.
參考: Personal Experience + I hate copy cat

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