
2007-01-15 1:07 am
我用Frontpage整左個網頁,入面有自己嘅圖片。但係save嘅時候,"儲存內嵌檔案"一欄卻沒有自己嘅圖片個file name. 但係我照save, 之後我喺Frontpage預覽網頁,全部都睇到曬。
之後我將所有野(圖片+網頁)upload上Geocities. 上自己個網頁卻睇唔到嗰張圖片呢?


回答 (2)

2007-01-15 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
記得上載網頁時也要將這個image file一併上傳呢 ~~

2007-01-20 12:27 am
You can view them in Microsoft FrontPage, because the images are temporary, if you view them in floder, they are just the X's. And the images URL are not right, so you cannot view them.
For example: You put some images from [images] folder, but the folder is so far for the website's folder. As you upload, the image URLs still in original URL (Will not change), and you created a folder which contains images, but the name was different for the original. This cases the image will not be displayed.

How can you do?
1: Check the images' URLs in the webpages, if they are wrong, change them.
For example: The image (Ex: dvw.jpg) in folder [img], but the URL in page is [images/dvw.jpg], please change the URL to [img/dvw.jpg].
2: Check the folder name which contains images, if the name is different, change its name.
For example: The URL of the image is [images/asg.jpg], but the folder name is [image], please change to [images].
3: If you forget to upload the images, upload them.
4: If this case is out of the above cases, tell me.

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