
2007-01-14 11:46 pm
1)若我想再學多一種語言(也是想要一種很多地方有用的), 你們認為應該學那種語言呢?
(若可以的話, 想請求詳細解答啊^o^)

回答 (4)

2007-01-16 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-01-15 7:16 am

WRONG! Try searching for 'Esperanto' on the Net, or even in Wikipedia. You'll quickly be overwhelmed by the massive information provided, I promise :D.


True. A very important thing to note: by learning french, YOUR ENGLISH LEVEL WILL ROCKET SKY-HIGH! If you read a little history about the english language as a whole, you'll find that many deep english vocabularies are actually from french ("cognates"?). OK, examples:

"Mort" - French word for dead. Try relating this with the English word "mortal" and/or "immortal"
"Vendre" - to sell. Compare with "Vending" in "vending machine"
"Apprendre" - to learn. Compare with "Apprentice"
"Mot" - Word. Compare "Motto"

Do you see what I'm seeing? If you do, French is definitely a first choice for a first foreign language.

Another language that would equally be good is Esperanto. Again, search for it in Wikipedia, I don't want to spoil the fun for you in uncovering new knowledge ;).

Hmm, Latin. Frankly speaking, I have little to no experience in that language (except that I know my school has a school motto in Latin - IN LABOURE GAUDIUM). But hold on! I heard that many scientists in the world like to study Latin to some certain extent. Hell, even some constellation names are in Latin, but anyway, I'd say Latin's a good investment if you're in the "scientific path".
2007-01-15 5:28 am
英文看似係世界語言,其實只係因為英國殖民地多,很多國家的人都會懂,現時電腦流行,很多英文都會跟從了美式英文了,例如 colour 會寫 color;
2007-01-15 12:52 am
in hk, 1) & 2) is most popular language. If you already master in these 2 languages, then you can start learning different language. It actually depends on what kinds of job you want to find. but 3 or 4 is popular in hk because many jap / korean speaking job.
v拉丁文is not popular in hk. if you only for interest, then you can study at
工聯会 ( they offer cheap course, and you can see whether you are really interest in or not)
1) english
2) mandarin
3) japanese
4) korean
5) german
6) french

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