EuroStar Train ticket.. Buy it in HK or in London?

2007-01-14 11:32 pm
I am going to visit London in around Chinese New Year time. If I want to go to Paris from London, where should I buy the EuroStar Train ticket? Will it be cheaper if I buy it here in Hong Kong or I can do so when I am in London?

I found that the booking in StaTravel web-site is quite cheap. But do I have to be the member for making booking there?


回答 (2)

2007-01-15 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
我建議你去eurostar既website 睇下先
應該係有d discount 既ticket係online買架
2007-01-16 9:34 am
我都係新年前去london, 諗住weekend落paris, 頭先去euro star個web site見到d package 車飛+酒店都ok. 2星酒店+車飛for 3日2夜大約gbp 155. 你可以上去search一下
參考: 自己

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