
2007-01-14 10:27 pm
titration 使唔使用volumetric flask?

回答 (2)

2007-01-15 2:46 am
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volumetric flask係用來做standard solution的,即係一個已知molarity的solution...

通常都要用到的,但係...如果你已經有standard solution,volumetric flask就唔會用到...

titration只會用到burette同conical flask(or beaker)...

ps 仲有樣野叫pipette,都只係用來做standard solution...
2007-01-14 11:27 pm
Titration is a common laboratory method of quantitative/chemical analysis which can be used to determine the concentration of a known reactant. Because volume measurements play a key role in titration, it is also known as volumetric analysis. A reagent, called the titrant, of known concentration (a standard solution) and volume is used to react with a measured quantity of reactant (Analyte). Using a calibrated burette to add the titrant, it is possible to determine the exact amount that has been consumed when the endpoint is reached. The endpoint is the point at which the titration is stopped. This is classically a point at which the number of moles of titrant is equal to the number of moles of analyte, or some multiple thereof (as in di- or tri- protic acids). In the classic strong acid-strong base titration the endpoint of a titration is when the pH of the reactant is just about equal to 7, and often when the solution permanently changes color due to an indicator. There are however many different types of titrations (see below).

Many methods can be used to indicate the endpoint of a reaction; titrations often use visual indicators (the reactant mixture changes colour). In simple acid-base titrations a pH indicator may be used, such as phenolphthalein, which turns (and stays) pink when a certain pH is reached or exceeded. Methyl orange can also be used, which is red in acids and yellow in alkalis.

Not every titration requires an indicator. In some cases, either the reactants or the products are strongly coloured and can serve as the "indicator". For example, an oxidation-reduction titration using potassium permanganate (pink/purple) as the titrant does not require an indicator. When the titrant is reduced, it turns colourless. After the equivalence point, there is excess titrant present. The equivalence point is identified from the first faint pink colour that persists in the solution being titrated.

Due to the logarithmic nature of the pH curve, the transitions are generally extremely sharp, and thus a single drop of titrant just before the endpoint can change the pH significantly — leading to an immediate colour change in the indicator. That said, there is a slight difference between the change in indicator color and the actual equivalence point of the titration. This error is referred to as an indicator error, and it is indeterminate.


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