
2007-01-14 10:08 pm
Which season do you like best? Why?

要求:邊個season ,請唔好答因為自己個人喜好,最好答個season既特徵同有乜好等等啦...
What kind of food do you like?Why?
Do you like pets? Why?


第2題請睇清楚,係What kind of food do you like?係kind of 呀!!!!!!!

回答 (6)

2007-01-14 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.I like spring,because the flowers are very beautiful.

I like summer.Alought the weather is hot and rainly,when the weather is hot,I can go
swimming.When rain very strong,we cannot go to school to study.

I like autumn,because I like fly the kite with my family on Saturday or Sunday.It feels
very happy.

I like winter.Alought we cannot play with the snow,but we can have hot pot( 火鍋) at
home,it is warm.

2.I like eat grain,because grain can satisfied belly.

I like eat vegetable, because vegetable have already helped digest

3.I like the dogs most, because it will protect host with own life, very loyal(忠心)

2007-01-14 11:35 pm
1. I like autumn best.it is because i like cool weather and i can go hiking and bbq.
2.i like vegatable because it is healthy to our body.
3.i like dogs.because in the early period .dogs has been the friends of human and it is so lovely .
參考: myself
2007-01-14 10:51 pm
I like winter. It is because I'll have a quiet time that I can feel the quiet feeling about winter which is different from another seasons.

I like vegetables because it can give me more vitamin.

I like pets very much. It is not because they are cute.
It is they are my friends, and I can tell them my secret. Although they can't speck, they have emotion that can catch your feeling!
2007-01-14 10:28 pm
1. I like autumn (fall) the best because it is cool and fresh.
2. I like vegetables the best because vegetables have many nutrients.
3. I like pets because pets can help human to do something (e.g. cat can help human to catch out rats.)
參考: ME
2007-01-14 10:22 pm
I think the hot weather is so much,and the cold weather is seldom.
It's still very hot in November, so I value the winter.
we can see the beautiful view in the winter,such as snowy view.

Because it have many nutrition for us. It's so healthy.

3.Yes.Because some pets can help us.
Such as dogs,it can help someone who live in a village.
Dogs and cats also can play with some old person, so they will not fell bored.

2007-01-14 14:24:16 補充:
第3最尾果個唔係so they will not fell bored. 應該係so they will not "feel" bored.

2007-01-14 14:24:50 補充:
so they will not feel bored.
參考: myself
2007-01-14 10:13 pm
I like autumn best because I like the cool weather

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