F.2 I.S.

2007-01-14 8:09 pm
人的 gaseous exchange 同 respiration 有咩分別??

回答 (2)

2007-01-14 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
gasous exchange:it means that we breath in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
respiration:the process of breaking down food with oxygen to release energy and carbon dioxide and water.
2007-01-15 5:29 pm
gaseous exchange係指oxygen同carbon dioxide係alevoli表面進行交換,即進入同離開血管到肺,係physical process

respiration係在cell內的mitochrondrion度發生,過程係會carbohydrate break down to release energy,為cell activity 提供energy,respiration 係biochemical process
參考: AL bio student

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