
2007-01-14 6:27 pm
本人26歲,中五會考成績不好 ,現在想報讀一些part time 課程(室內設計) , 有助未來能夠升讀學士學位 , 可是本人實在不太清楚升讀流程,及現在應該從什麼讀起? 看見一些文憑課程條件需要"美術 及 設計 基礎 " ? 那又是什麼?

回答 (1)

2007-01-15 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
do u have working experience in interior design ?

if u have worked in this field for quite a long while, they may consider ur case.
otherwise, u can study some cert. /dip.--> high dip --> degree.

as i know, HKU SPACE has such courses. u can have a look on their website.


polyu have interior design too.

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