我cgpa 得 2. .. 係 ng 係冇得升 degree?

2007-01-14 8:29 am
我是 asso 人~~cgpa 出左啦~~得 2 gum 大把~~是不是代表冇degree 讀啦~~
有冇人得 2 cgpa都升到 degree ga. . . . ( top up, part time??? )

thz all~~ it seems that local degree part time degree is not so easy to enter~~only if u hv 2.6 or above or someone who has 5 yr relative working experience and age 23 can have interview chance~~ anyway, thz so much~!!

回答 (4)

2007-01-14 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have a friend studying asso and he has 2.0X. Now, he is working in s shipping company and study a part-time degree of Logistic in HKU Space. I think the CGPA not lower than 2 is okay.
2007-01-15 1:06 am
self-financed degree maybe possible
2007-01-14 7:50 pm
You can try to apply to a 4-year university in the United States. A CGPA of 2.0+ is considered fair and can be promoted to the third year (junior year) of university studies by all means. All credit units earned for the associate degree are recognized and transferrable to a US university. Simply start the application process for admission into the third year of an American university and you should be able to finish with a bachelor's degree in two years or less.
參考: Personal observation
2007-01-14 11:07 am
如果真係單單想要一個degree, 一定有既~
full time degree可以去Open-U, 佢地唔睇分數, 淨睇興趣.
讀top-up的話又得, 我識得1個人,cgpa得1.8都ok
part time就更加不在話下, 一定收架.

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