should i shave?

2007-01-14 4:22 am
i am 13 years old, im a boy and I have some extra hair. I have more hair on my legs and on my armpits then 13 year olds usually have. I a m really embarrased when I have to wear shorts or something becase it shows my hairy legs and I am even more embarrased when I have to show my armpits. I get made fun of for having "extra hair"

Should I shave my legs and armpits? or would it look like im gay

回答 (47)

2007-01-14 4:26 am
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you could groomed/trim under arm pitts, but no need to shave legs.

2007-01-14 4:27 am
Dont shave! Do you want to be the hairy guy or the guy who shaves? You can trim your armpit hair but leave your legs alone.
2007-01-14 4:32 am
If you start shaving now you will be doing it for the rest of your life the more you shave the more it will grow back, faster and hairier, since you are 13 you might want to wait until your body settles down you are going through a lot of changes right now, you might want to wait until you are 16 or 17 then if it still bothers you you could have your parents look into electrolysis for you, it last longer than just shaving, or even perminite hair removal. but for now just know that it is possible that you will grow into your body hair, and so you may not want to do anything right now that you will regret in a couple of years
2007-01-14 4:31 am
I have two teenage boys, hon. One is 15 and the other 16. the 16 year old is very hairy. What you can do is first of all, no do not shave your legs, and second you could trim your armpit hairs but do not shave. If anyone teases you because you have alot of hair, just make jokes with them somehow. Peers can be mean. If you can just ignore them even better. Or you can just say, yeah very hairy and lovin it. You know give them a smart remark if you can think of one. That's what my 16 year old was doing. Well no one bothers him now anyways cause he's 5' 10" tall now.
參考: Take care and remember don't shave it will make the hairs grow back faster and thicker.
2007-01-14 4:29 am
no offense, but if you shave your armpits/legs you would look kinda gay. Guys do not shave those areas, its considered manly for them to have hair in those places. The only place you need to shave (in a couple of years mind you) is your face.
And nothing else! And just ignore those kids who tease you, there probably just jealous.
2007-01-14 4:28 am
First off I'm not sure that anything but being gay would make you look gay as it is not a fashion statement to be of a certain sexual orientation. But you do what you got to do brother your embarrassed then shave, but when you go to bed at night your still going to be that hairy kid, with or without it...In other words be yourself real men have hair, lots of it.
2007-01-14 4:28 am
While it may be "unusual" or "extra" hair at 13, it definitely isn't when you are an adult. It wouldn't make you look gay or not gay, but please for the love of god don't shave anything but your face...unless you are a professional body builder or cyclist (go Lance). If your little prepubecent, hairless friends give you any more crap, just know that you are literally more mature than them and shrug it off...
2007-01-14 4:27 am
You might try TRIMMING rather than shaving. Get one of those personal clippers with guards, then simply trim down your pits and your leg hair into something a little more manageable.
Don't think leg hair is a bad thing....lots of girls in junior high like hair, since its something they only see on older guys.
2007-01-14 4:27 am
No don't shave except facial hair. Talk to your parents.

The other boys are probably a little curious and maybe jealous.
If you do shave it will grow it thicker.

Just ignore them. College will be different...
2007-01-14 4:27 am
I would have to say Gay.. Not that there is anything wrong with that .. SO people don't freak out...

How about a trim... I will not mention my age buit I am an adult male and have had this conversation with my friends .... Pretty much all stay trimmed ... Such as chest I use a battery powered trimmer with the guard set to #2 Etc.

My 2 cents
2007-01-14 4:27 am
Don't shave your legs. Having hairy legs for a guy is quite normal. For your armpits, just trim the hair instead of shaving them.

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