波音747!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 唔該

2007-01-14 6:54 am

係飛機上面, 未起飛果陣, 航空公司話架飛機係747-300
但係飛緊果陣, 我見隻機翼上面係有小翼
跟住check番, 只有747-400先有小翼嫁喎

咁究竟係航空公司講錯, 定係佢改裝左架飛機 ???

航空公司: 澳洲航空
航班編號: QF29
出發地: 墨爾本
途徑: 香港
目的地: 倫敦希斯路機場

回答 (2)

2007-01-14 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Qantas usually use B747-400 on QF29/30... However, they could change to B747-300 depending the equitment avaliable...
If you are sure that the jet is equitted with winglet, then that must be a B747-400 and Qantas have never upgraded any of their B747-300... In fact, Qantas is expected to phase out their B747-300 as A380 join their fleet...
2007-01-21 9:37 pm


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