
2007-01-14 6:53 am
IchLiededich lee個德文有冇人識解呀用黎救命的!!

回答 (4)

2007-01-14 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
means i love you, and they should be writen like this "Ich Liebe Dich"
lee may be ...a name...it means nothing in german
參考: german friend of mine
2007-01-16 12:56 am
Ich liebe dich is German and means "I love you"

i don't have never heard "I mach dich" to mean "I like you", actually it sounds quite colloquial (almost vulgar...)

I love you in other languages
Italian: ti amo
French: je t'aime
Spanish: te quiero
Croatian: te volim
2007-01-15 7:19 am
There's a spelling mistake in your sentence, it should be Ich liebe dich. It means 'I love you' but this is only said to someone who you really, really, truely love, eg. your wife/husband!
To express love to boyfriends and girlfriends, it'd be 'Ich mach dich' - 'I like you', which is less scary than 'Ich liebe dich'
Good luck!
參考: Me
2007-01-14 6:58 am

2007-01-13 23:03:22 補充:
因為liede係song咁解....其實 I song you???

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