咩係 " north american free trade agreement" ? (10點)

2007-01-14 6:51 am
nafta 係咩?

有咩成員? 成立目的? official website? * 相關新聞?

回答 (2)

2007-01-14 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
The North American Free Trade Agreement:

The North American Free Trade Area is the trade bloc created by North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its two supplements, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) whose members are Canada, Mexico and the United States. It came into effect on 1 January 1994.

Trade components
NAFTA called for immediately eliminating duties on half of all U.S. goods shipped to Mexico and gradually phasing out other tariffs over a period of about 14 years. Restrictions were to be removed from many categories, including motor vehicles and automotive parts, computers, textiles, and agriculture. The treaty also protected intellectual property rights (patents, copyrights, and trademarks) and outlined the removal of restrictions on investment among the three countries. Provisions regarding worker and environmental protection were added later as a result of supplemental agreements signed in 1993.

This agreement was an expansion of the earlier Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989. Unlike the European Union, NAFTA does not create a set of supranational governmental bodies, nor does it create a body of law which is superior to national law. NAFTA is a treaty under international law. (Under United States law it is classed as a congressional-executive agreement rather than a treaty, reflecting a peculiar sense of the term "treaty" in United States constitutional law that is not followed by international law or the laws of other states.)

The agreement was initially pursued by free-trade conservative governments in the US and Canada, led by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, US President George H. W. Bush and the Mexican president Carlos Salinas de Gortari. The three-nation NAFTA was signed on 17 December 1992, pending its ratification by the legislatures of the three countries. There was considerable opposition on all three countries, but in the United States it was able to secure passage after President Bill Clinton made its passage a major legislative initiative in 1993. During his presidential campaign he had promised to review the agreement, which he considered inadequate. Since the agreement had been signed by president Bush under his fast-track prerogative, president Clinton did not alter the original agreement, but complemented it with the aforementioned NAAEC and NAALC. After intense political debate and the negotiation of these side agreements, the US House passed NAFTA by 234-200 (132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voting in favor) and the US Senate passed it by 61-38. Finally, president Clinton sanctioned the ratification on November 1993.

(Chinese Version)
北美洲自由貿易區是商業團體由北美洲自由貿易協議創造(NAFTA) 並且它的二個補充、關於環境合作的北美洲協議(NAAEC) 並且關於成員是加拿大、墨西哥和美國的辛苦合作的北美洲協議(NAALC) 。它生效在1994 年1月1 日。


NAFTA 被要求立刻消滅責任在一半所有美國物品運送了對墨西哥和逐漸逐步淘汰其它關稅在大約14 年中。制約將從許多類別, 包括機動車和汽車零件, 電腦、紡織品, 和農業被去除。條約保護了知識產權(專利、版權, 和商標) 並且並且概述了投資限制撤除在三個國家之中。1993 年供應關於工作者和環境保護以後增加了由於補充協議被簽署。 這個協議是更加早期的加拿大美國的擴展。1989 的自由貿易協議年。不同於歐共體, NAFTA 不創造一套超國家的政府機構, 亦不它創造在民族法是優越的法律團體。NAFTA 是條約根據國際法。(根據美國法律它分類作為國會執行委員協議而不是條約, 反射期限"treaty" 的奇怪感覺; 在被國際法或其它狀態法律不跟隨。) 的美國憲法 協議由自由貿易保守的政府最初地追求在美國和加拿大, 由加拿大總理布賴恩・Mulroney, 美國喬治・H. W. 布希總統和墨西哥總統Carlos Salinas de Gortari 帶領。三國家NAFTA 簽了字在1992 年12月17 日, 等待它的批准由三個國家的立法機關。有可觀的反對在所有三個國家, 1993 年但在美國它能鞏固段落在比爾・克林頓總統做了它的段落一項主要立法機關的動議權之後。在他的總統競選期間他許諾回顧協議, 他認為不充分。因為協議由布希總統簽署了在他的快速軌道特權之下, 克林頓總統沒有修改原始的協議, 但補全它與上述的NAAEC 和NAALC 。在強烈的政治辯論和這些旁邊協議的交涉以後, 美國議院通過了NAFTA 234-200 名(132 名共和黨人和102 位民主人士投票在厚待) 並且美國參議院通過了它61-38 。終於, 克林頓總統認可了批准在1993 年11月。
2007-01-14 6:59 am
北美洲自由貿易協議 (North American Free Trade Agreement)

(NAFTA) 係 North American Free Trade Agreement 的簡寫...
參考: 自己!~~~

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