盤骨右後痛..骨癌??? 20分!

2007-01-14 5:55 am

回答 (3)

2007-01-14 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are several possible causes for your pain, and bone cancer is definitely low on the list - nearly impossible given a duration of 3-4 days.

Now, for the causes of recent onset of pain for 3-4 days
1. Sciatica - there is , problem with the sciatic nerve, which is classically pain over the buttock region and all the way along the rear aspect of the leg
2. muscle pain or spasm - which can last for a few days
3. degenerative changes of the bone - which is less likely for a young man like you

You need to provide your doctor the following essential information :
1. Any recent fall or trauma?
2. Any numbness or weakness of the leg, which side?
3. Any problem with walking or getting up a chair?
4. Any recent injection?

2007-01-14 13:48:10 補充:
Not urine problem. Urinary stone classically give rise to "FRANK pain", frank is above the 盤骨 not at that level.Bone cancer typically not painful unless that is fracture. You can feel the bone there warm. But 盤骨 is not a common site for bone cancer unless it is spread from other organs.
2007-01-14 9:00 am
就你字面上來理解,有兩個可能性,第一,小解完好想又去..一日去好多次..但係次次得好小尿,可能會同尿道炎有關,但你沒提及小解時有沒有痛,所以這個可能性好低,第二,因食物味道效濃,並經常飲奶荼,就有可能患上腎石,但患上腎石應該會是盤骨之上痛,而你表示係盤骨左後方有d痛痛地,這個可能性又不成立,既然兩個可能性都不存在,就會推測可能是勞損機會比較大,勞損一詞未必指即時性,可能係累積性勞損,你要明白一點,腰部會影響膝蓋,同樣膝蓋也會影響腰部,初步既推斷,你應該係膝蓋可能有問題,只不過暫時你未覺有事,至於是否骨癌,因我對骨癌資料認識不深,在此未敢莽下判斷,抱歉 !!!

2007-01-14 16:49:05 補充:
如果痛o個個位係o係腰同pet pet 骨既中間..姐係摸上去係平坦o個個部份,好可能是臀上皮神經炎
2007-01-14 6:01 am
唔好等人回答啦, 快d去看醫生, 唔照下點會有人答到你呢. 保重身體呀

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