
2007-01-14 5:26 am
2.Write about a misunderstanding that occurred because of the Australian accent.Describe the setting of the situation, the people involved and what was said . Explain what you thought was said than explain what really was said. Try to identify why the misunderstanding occurred.


回答 (2)

2007-01-21 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the past , British control the world including Australian and it made English being a international language however, because of the culture in different places ,the accent of English was changed by Various countries' culture .

i come from Hong Kong . Hong Kong is England's colony , so I have studied English accent since childhood . Some Australian English accent different to vowels of English .i had a misunderstanding that occurred because of the my accent and Australian accent .

This event was occurred when i had just arrived Australia . When I got off the aircraft , i did not know what way should i go .i asked one of the staff where should i go to take my luggage . Then he showed me a direction and said " Welcome to Australia to die " and his appearance was very deceitful . I was afraid extremely , because I did not know does Australia have any racial discrimination .

When I turned towards the direction which he refered , i saw a woman who seem benevolent and kind .Because I was afraid that the deceitful man plays a trick on me , I decided ask the woman again where should i go . "there" the women showed me the same direction and said "Welcome to Australia today".i said"thank you"then i went to the direction . When i was going to take my luggage ,i laughed.because of the misunderstanding.
2007-01-21 4:07 pm
Australian accent is very weird.... many pronunciation is different from standard english.....

Australian accent: to die (today)......

you may say that u met an australian..... u was very angry becoz u thought that guy was swearing when he said "to die".... u told your friends about that... then u found out that means today...

why the misunderstanding occurred?
it may because of the location of Australia....
it is far away from other english-speaking countries....
it caused the strange accent....
hard to understand....

u don't know much about australian culture + accent

I hope the above things can help u.....

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