
2007-01-14 5:22 am
1.Write about a study activity that was particularly interesting.Explain what kind of activity it was and what was your role in the activity. Then analyse why you thought this was an interesting activity. Compare this activity with other activties that weren't interesting.

幫手諗3個point同example~thank you.

回答 (1)

2007-01-19 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Field trip

第一段: 什麼是Field trip?
1. Field trip is an academic trip to one of the interested habitats, to carry out ecological studies and learn from the nature. this is a precious opportunity to be exposed and learn about biology in the nature.

you can write about field trips to any ecological habitats e.g. rock shores. you can then boast about what the variety of roles/ tasks that you can do on a rock shore.
e.g. creating a profile for each species you see in the habitat
e.g. to appreciate the different adaptive features of the species in the nature
e.g. outlining the cross section of the shore by measuring the vertical height and the shore lengths
e.g. to estimate the populations of different species on your field
etc etc
you should try to write this paragraph as interestingly as it may sound, since this is the KEY paragraph of your essay. You MUST correlate your interest with each of your roles /tasks.
as you may have noticed, this is gonna be a big big paragraph. that's why you can also show your organizations skill to your teacher.

1. One activity, one paragraph.
2. for each activity ( paragraph), write also why you are interested in that activity.

Last paragraph:
this is very easy - you can list numerous points to support your field trip. the followings are just for your reference:
1. Jump out of the classroom.
--> write about why you think learning in the nature is better than in the classroom

2. actions teach more than books.
--> write about why you think having a field trip is better than reading a book.

3. other accessory benefits
--> write about things that can only be done on a field trip e.g. raises your interest in biology, raises your awareness in environmental protection, etc....
參考: 會考 及 高考英文成績 - A

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