
2007-01-14 1:46 am
我聽完 一段演講,我要寫感想,請問我要怎樣寫,有甚麼重點?

回答 (3)

2007-01-14 2:44 am
Your comment should be divided into 2 main parts:
1. The main content of the speech
2. Your own point of view
For the main content of the speech, you need to remember what has the talker said. After memorizing, you need to make into points for what are the main points the talker wanted to express in his/her speech. After that, follow the points and make it into a paragraph.
For the second paragraph, your own comment will be expressed. In common, this paragraph should always be longer than the paragraph talking about the content of the speech(i.e.the first paragraph). You take out the note which you wrote the points again, and think why the talker express this. Stand on his/her side and write a comment. Then, stand on your own side and write your own comment. You should write whether you agree with the talker or not before starting your own comment.
Notice that not all points should be written. Mostly the talker will concentrate on 1 point. Then you should make that as the main plot. Other points may also be talked. But not so many, 3 will be the maximum. Except the 1 you concentrate, other 2 should be short. If you can, try to use the 2 short ones to provide a contrast or as background to make your main point clearer.
Lastly, add 1-2 sentences to the beginning and the end of the report as the brief introduction and the conclusion.
I hope this can help=)
2007-01-14 2:03 am
so 你聽到咩
2007-01-14 1:54 am
你可以講下你認唔認同他/她所講ge 野..仲有點解?
你仲可以加插下自己ge 意見ar~~
參考: ME

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