
2007-01-14 1:12 am

回答 (4)

2007-01-14 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
大熊貓 - Panda
中華白海豚 - Chinese white dolphin
水獺 - European otter
西藏野驢 - Kiang
虎 - Tiger
果子狸 - Masked pa1m civet
亞洲象 - Indian elephant
抹香鯨 - Sperm whale
梅花鹿 - Sika deer
小熊貓 - Lesser panda
白頰長臂猿 - White-cheeked Gibbon
白鰭豚 - White-f1ag dolphin
江豚 - Finless porpoise
扭角羚 - Takin
赤狐 - Red fox
岩羊 - Bharal
雲豹 - Clouded leopard
狼 - Wolf
2007-01-14 2:41 am
- have mummal glands
-have lung for breathing
-body temperture is not easily affected by the surrounding
-have hair
2007-01-14 1:52 am
Mammals: ( Characteristics)
1. Their bodies are covered by hair. (身體長有毛髮。)
2. They have mammary glands. (有乳線)
3. They reproduce offsprings by sexual reproduction and will give birth to small individuals but not eggs. (繁殖是透過兩性交配,而生出的是bb。)
4. They live on land and move by limbs. (在陸地生活。)
5. They breathe with lungs. (用肺吸氣。)
Some examples:
dogs 狗
cats 貓
panda 熊貓
whale 鯨魚
dolphin 海豚
camel 駱駝
human 人類
參考: me
2007-01-14 1:47 am
mouse-老鼠, cat-貓, whale-鯨魚,mankind-人類, cattle-牛, dog-狗, tiger-老虎,.......

2007-01-13 17:57:11 補充:
sheep-羊, deer-鹿, dolphin-海豚, leopard-豹,

2007-01-13 18:08:24 補充:
monkey-猴子, dragon-龍, rabbit-兔,fox-狐,bat-蝙蝠, lion-獅子,orangutan-猩猩,panda-熊貓

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