"you're up to something "點解?

2007-01-14 12:17 am
Because you're good to me babe I know
That you're up to something and I don't like it
[you're up to something ]點解?

回答 (2)

2007-01-14 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

Q:"you're up to something "點解?

A:Up to something的意思是在'舉止鬼祟,像盤算/暗搞什麼似的'之意

you're up to something就是解作'你的舉止鬼祟,好像在盤算/暗搞什麼似的'



He's up to something.他在暗搞一些名堂。

一個人舉止鬼祟,你可以懷疑He's up to something.,要是他態度反常,好像在盤算什麼似的,你也可以說他是up to something,但學了這句英語 ,千萬別耍嘴皮,口沒遮攔亂說,要說,也別讓當事人聽見,小小聲、在背後說說倒還可以,否則惹了麻煩上身,可別怪我沒警告你哦!

I've seen that look on his face before. He's up to something.


Up to something的意思
If you say that someone is up to something, you mean that they are secretly doing smething that they should not be doing.

Example :

Why did you need a room unless you were up to something.

2007-01-14 5:59 pm
你有古怪 is the meaning of you're up to something!
參考: me

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