Help me to make a cup(獎盃) by using"ProDesktop"

2007-01-13 11:36 pm
Urgent!!!!Please help me to make a 獎盃(as a prize)by using "ProDesktop"!!
Content-the cup( 獎盃) must make up of 7 components.
I need both a combination picture(組合圖) and a non-combination picture(零件分散圖).

Please sent to my email which is " "

回答 (2)

2007-01-22 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can help you!!
You can find me or
You can go to the microsoft website to see.
Because i have do it once in computer!!獎盃
參考: 拿破崙
2007-01-22 9:32 pm
I can

but I need money

How about you?

Can you afford
參考: newton

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