
2007-01-13 10:34 pm
我地理的成績好差 又唔係好識d答題技巧同埋又唔知點溫?
希望可以教一教我 萬分感謝
我想問 how the earthquake related to the formation of the ocean trench?

我form4架 謝謝你的解答 thanks^^

回答 (1)

2007-01-13 10:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不如去補linda lau啦

the ocean trench only occurs in destructive plate boundary with a continental crust, such as, euroasian plate, and an oceanic crust, such as pacific plate .
when the continental crust crash into the oceanic crust. the oceanic crust will subduct to the continental crust. the reason is that the oceanic crust is denser than the continental crust. at the zone of subduction occuring, its above is the part of ocean trench.

2007-01-13 14:54:50 補充:
when the two plates move towards each other with a strong force, there will be earthquake. therefore, when the continental crust crash into the oceanic crust with a great force, there is an earthquake.

2007-01-13 14:55:13 補充:
In the case, the oceanic crust will subduct to the continental crust. the reason is that the oceanic crust is denser than the continental crust. at the zone of subduction occuring, its above is the part of ocean trench. That is how the earthquake relating to the formation of ocean trench.

2007-01-13 14:56:10 補充:
In the case=in this case

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