為何acetaminophen( paracetamol, 醋氨酚)是微酸性?

2007-01-13 9:29 pm
acetaminophen does not contain a carboxylic acid group...why it is slightly acidic?

回答 (2)

2007-01-14 3:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the answer is phenol group....
phenol group (Ph-OH)is acidic because of delocalized Pi orbital of beneze ring, it's a simple question if you are F.7 student, work harder on chemistry ar (although it's biochemistry topic at University level)
2007-01-13 10:10 pm
acetaminophen have amind group, the amide group can decompoes to carboxylic acid and amine, so it is slightly acidic

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