
2007-01-13 9:11 pm
1.保護本地工業,, 保障本地勞工市場
2.保障人民的生活水平,, 保障市民的健康:
4.從關稅得到收入, 增加政府收入:

回答 (3)

2007-01-14 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 保護本地工業, 保障本地勞工市場
To protect local industries, and to safeguard the local labour market.
2. 自給自足
To be self-sufficient.
3. 保障人民生活水平, 保障市民健康
To secure people’s living standards, and to protect the health of the public.
4. 保持貿易差額平衡
To maintain an equilibrium in the balance of trade.
5. 從關稅得到收入, 增加政府收入
To increase government revenue through customs and tariffs.
The above can also be written by putting a gerund or noun in front :
1.Protection of local industries and the local labour market.
2. Self-sufficiency.
3. Securing people’s living standards and protecting the health of the public.
4. Maintaining an equilibrium in the balance of trade.
5. Increase in government revenue through customs and tariffs.

2007-01-13 19:08:46 補充:
“the public” = ordinary people in society in general 大眾市民;‘equilibrium’ = a state of balance between opposing forces or influences 平衡;“balance of trade” = 進口及出口的價值差額, 即貿易差額 (易差)。在 “balance of trade” 之前加上 ‘equilibrium’ 更能清楚表達原意。
2007-01-14 12:37 am
1.保護本地工業,, 保障本地勞工市場
Protect local industries and labour force.
2.保障人民的生活水平,, 保障市民的健康
Protect people's living standard, and health
Maintain Trade Balance
4.從關稅得到收入, 增加政府收入:
Increase government revenue by imposing duties on imported goods.
2007-01-13 11:01 pm
1.Protect native industry, , guarantee a native labor market
2.Guarantee the people's living level, , guarantee the townspeople's health:
3.Keep the balance of trade balance
4.Get income from the tariff, increase government income:
參考: 我

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