點樣先叫fair test & unfair test?(20點)

2007-01-13 8:18 pm
點樣先叫fair test & unfair test?(20點)

回答 (2)

2007-01-14 1:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
fair test = 你只可以有一個factors 會轉既姐就係你specific 左拎黎做你個investigation ge.呢個係叫做independent varaible. controlled variable 就係你個experiment 裡面其後既factors. 而當你將controlled variable既factors 全部keep the same (係成個experiment 既過程) 咁就叫做fair test.
而unfair test = 就係你將controlled variable 既factors 都轉.咁你就會有more than 1 factors 轉緊啦係你個experiment 到.咁你就唔可以investigate 到你想investigate 既野因為兩個以上既factors 會對你既experiment 有好多唔同既影響*

希望可以幫到你* =]
參考: 自己
2007-01-13 8:27 pm
fair test =all factors in a experiment are kept the same expect the one you are investigating
unfair test =besides the one you are investigating, there are also some factors do not keep the same and affects the results of the experiment

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