
2007-01-13 7:01 pm
有一間屋...有a+b兩人,,a俾用利刀插死左 b就係殺佢既兇手(而你係唔知既)佢將所有指紋清曬佢將死者印左落刀到,故意打開道門,自己打暈自己 等到police黎左..當場係一個密不透光既房屋 無咩目擊證人?如果你係佢(b君)辨護layer,你會點打e場官c呢?

回答 (2)

2007-01-13 9:21 pm
No case !!!
No witness/No evidence to state that B was engaged to the death of A. Unless otherwise there is something to rely on (Evidence) that A was murdered by B. According to the fact pattern described above, B shall not be accused by the Police with the charge of murder, so B has nothing to defence.

P.S You must tell us if there is any evidence to proof that B was the muderer. B shall not be convicted unless with evidence provided that the prosecution has disproved all reasonable doubts.
2007-01-13 7:07 pm
a attacked b and then suicide

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