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1. For Panasonic DMC-FX3, I don't know much. You may go to the Panasonic web site to check it out. It tells you all the detail of this cam.
2. SD card: Books and people usually suggest you have multiple card instead of one larger storage, ie. 2 x 2Gb rather than 1 x 4 Gb. In case the card is faulty, you still have 2 Gb. You should check if the model of digital camera supports the storage limit of the SD card. Personally I think using $660 instead of $1000 to buy 2 2Gb is better.
I read books saying that the speed of the SD card won't affect the speed of recording the photo in the camera, but if you wish to use card reader to load the photo to PC at home, it is best to have some high speed card, if it is not too expensive.
3. Nikon coolpix S9 is quite compact. Personally I like Nikon lens than other lens. The picture taken by Nikon digital camera are sharper. I think Nikon S9 is cheaper than Panasonic, you may go to the shops to try which one you like better. It is important to feel comfortable when holding the camera on hand.