
2007-01-13 4:52 pm
我部電腦係packard bell I Xtreme Z805T......我洗左機之後無左多媒體控制卡....我上個去packard bell既網..但係都搵唔到....唔該大家help下我啦.....因為我係電腦白痴來嫁....

packard bell網頁:


回答 (2)

2007-01-13 5:01 pm
Is the multimedia card built in to the motherboard or is a seperate piece of hardware? When you go to device manager can you tell me which category it falls under if there is a ? or a ! mark next to the hardware? IE: if it falls under computers, disk drives, display adapters etc.

What you can do is if you are reinstalling windows xp, perform a windows update and from there instead of choosing a express update choose custom update. On your left hand side it will have a option to see if there are any hardware update you can perform. Let me know if this helps
參考: myself

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