2007-01-13 10:01 am
我本身係F.7畢業,而家一邊做緊MARKETING既工作,一邊讀緊HKMA 既 DMS(DIPOMA OF MANAGEMENT STUDY)課程,仲有幾個月就黎讀完,我想讀完呢張DIP之後可以入返本地大學既MARKETING DEGREE或者本地大學既附屬院校既MARKETING DEGREE.但又唔係好清楚佢地既入學資格,

我想知如果我以呢個學歷可以讀到邊間大學既PART TIME MARKETING DEGREE,同埋少少有關既資料呀.

我想搵到一個岩我讀既MARKETING DEGREE呀! 請好心人比D意見我啦,THANKS X10000!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-01-14 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. OUHK local marketing degree by distance learning(no entry requirement)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
2. HK PolyU SPEED local marketing degree

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations / 巿場營銷及公共關係文學士

Entry Requirements

For admission to the programme, applicants should possess a Higher Diploma or an Associate Degree in business related disciplines or equivalent*.
*Outstanding applicants from non-business disciplines may be considered, but will be required to take additional subjects to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements.

Applicants who do not possess the requisite academic qualification for relevant programmes but have reached the age of 25 at commencement of study may also apply. Mature applicants should possess relevant working experience and post-secondary education in a relevant discipline at diploma level or the equivalent. Mature applicants will also be required to demonstrate their ability to complete the programme to an admission committee at an interview and to pass an admission test.

The PolyU SPEED marketing course is difficult to entry because many people apply.
OUHK marketing course is easy to entry
2007-01-18 11:17 pm
PolyU SPEED local marketing degree, Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations is not an honour degree, dont take it!

Basically, only 2 universities in HK provide Marketing course, 1 is PolyU and another one is CityU. If you dont insist to study Marketing course, you may choose Business Administration (BBA) but this is more general and many different modules you have to study, e.g. management, economics, finance, etc. Of course BBA course, CU and HKU they are the best!

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