✔ 最佳答案
480MB MUST due to sharing memory of 32 mb to the on board display
現在較新的電腦好少會出現 480 MB 這數字
it is the result of 512-32MB
After you see the other website to know if you ram is SD/DDR/DDR2
you should THROW you old ram AWAY in order to pervent window unstable
and go to buy any one with the same format
You should make sure you are correct
2007-01-15 12:06:11 補充:
you should THROW you old ram AWAY in order to pervent window unstableExcept you have two identical ramIf you buy athe same ram,you can not throw it away
2007-01-15 12:08:07 補充:
Go to
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007010600474download cpu-zand see the typeto know what type is your ram
2007-01-16 11:54:50 補充:
唔係~你要先睇睇你部電腦最大支援幾多MB嘅RAM~如果唔係買咗都用唔到架~ But 1G I think i must be OK
2007-01-16 11:55:24 補充:
最好就係看清楚底板還有沒有空置的 ram 槽去插新的 ram,跟著就是搞清楚你是何種類的ram ,什麼速度,最好當然是買回相同的 ram ,因為太多唔同的ram 共用,有機會導致系統不穩定甚至當機..... totally agree