
2007-01-13 8:55 am

2)另問老彿爺, 春天, 紅磨坊, 蒙馬特, 聖心大教堂呢d又點去呢??

回答 (2)

2007-01-13 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
先解答地點問題. 如果你的酒店是在 Opera 附近, 交通真的十分方便. 主要景點都不出 30 分鐘的地鐵車程.
如果你需要去老佛爺, 春天等. 你根本不用搭車. 他們就耍你身後的 Boulevard Haussmann. 步行 5 分鐘就到了. 至於蒙馬特及聖心大教堂, 可搭地鐵到第 2 線的 Anvers 站 (車程約需 30 分鐘, 因需要轉線), 步行上山就是了. 紅磨坊位於地鐵 2 線的 Pigalle 站, 遊覽完蒙馬特後可回到 Anvers 站慢慢步行到 Pigalle 站, 只需 15 - 20 分鐘而已.
Opera 附近是高級購物區. 飲食方面是比較少的, 而且貴的. 在 Opera 區有一間普通的中菜館, 4 人午餐便需要 70 euro 了... 所以最好避免於這一區用餐. 而因為區域問題, 這裡也很少如土耳其 kebab 的小食店. 所以這裡晚上是十分寧靜的. 如果需要用餐, 大可於附近的 Les Halles 區晚飯完先回酒店
Opera 區除了 Opera Garnier 及百貨公司外, 最出名的應該是 Madelaine, 一座希臘神殿式的教堂, 十分宏偉的. 在春天百貨行過一點便可以看到了. 教堂後面就是協和廣場了.
參考: Living in Paris for a year
2007-01-13 7:15 pm
1. Shopping - 老彿爺, 春天 or some brand shops in Opera and Madeleine districts. I like 老彿爺 more than 春天. If you have time, you can visit both and will know the differences. The prices will be higher than Les Halles or St. Louis. Opera de Garnier 巴黎歌劇院 is worth to visit (require fee).
There are many good restaurants and cafes nearby depeding on your budgets:
The food "court" at the top floor of 老彿爺 is pretty good because it has the view of Tour Eiffel.
I followed a Taiwan book called Paris Swing by Yan T. Wong for food. You can check it in bookshop because it has many pictures and descriptions.
- Souffle at Le Souffle, Concorde;
- Hot Chocolate + Mont Blanc at Angelina, Concorde;
- Tea + Macaron at Laduree, Madeleine;
- Chocolate at La Maison du Chocolat;
- Chocolate (Gianguja) at Marquise de Sevigne;
- High class grocery, mustard shop in Madeleine district, e.g. Fauchon, Maille;
- Lyon
2. 老彿爺, 春天 are walking distance. 紅磨坊, 蒙馬特, 聖心大教堂 - you can take metro. You can walk to Musee du Louvre 羅浮宮 (via Madeleine - half to one hour) or take metro. You can get a free map from your hotel or 老彿爺/春天.

2007-01-15 00:13:41 補充:
For your question for "請問由巴黎出市區的交通", I clicked to vote for the wrong answer but unable to change. Sorry! (Henry's suggestion for Airport bus is better if you have luggage(s) - I picked it from Opera to Airport last August!
參考: last visit Paris - August 2006

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