
2007-01-13 6:49 am



回答 (5)

2007-01-13 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案


heep yunn: this school not only has outstanding results in public exam,in average, every student gets 5 A/Bs in HKCEE and 3A/Bs in AL., but also provides students all round activities. Heep Yunn is continuously awarded the "omega rose cup" for 22 years.Moreover,HYS ia an traditional English scl.

BPS: This school also has outstanding exam results. However,it seems that students seldom join activities.

SPSS: It has comparatively poor results in public exams. But the students join many activities in music, sports ,etc

TRUE LIGHT : this school gives me an impression of " 死讀書" ,but still,students in this school are outstanding.Moreover, students are polite.

TWGSS: Indeed,it is a Band 1 school, but it also gives me an impression of " 死讀書",,it is not a traditional famous school. Moreover,the district of this school is not that gd.

*actually, i may not be correct in choosing which school suits u best, I believe that if u work hard, u can still be outstanding in whatever school,right? =]
2007-01-14 2:03 am

參考: 老師
2007-01-13 5:30 pm
*荃灣官立中學 .5
*協恩中學 .2
2007-01-13 7:00 am
*荃灣官立中學 (6)
*協恩中學 (4)
*香港真光中學 (3)
*觀塘官立中學 (7)
*聖保祿中學 (1)
*庇理羅士女子中學 (2)
*香港四邑黃棣柵紀念中學 (5)

呢個只係我嘅想法同意見, 要揀邊間真係要睇下你自已嘅程度同成績同你自已鐘意邊間。
2007-01-13 6:56 am
參考: me~

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